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Tuesday 21 July 2015

JiuFen Old Street 九分老街

Until the 1950's, Jiufen was a prosperous gold mining town. The town went into sharp decline when mining was discontinued. The quaint streets, tea houses and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean saved it from becoming yet another anonymous mining ghost town. Jiufen is now a popular tourist destination for Taipeites eager to relive scenes from the past. It has provided the setting for several period movies. For example, Hou Hsiao-hsien's film A City of Sadness(which won the Golden Lion award at the 1989 Venice Film Festival) and Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away.

From Taipei, take the train north to Ruifang Station. From Ruifang take the Keelung Transit bus to Jiufen. Exit the Ruifang Train Station and turn left staying on the busy street right in front of the train station. Staying on the right hand side of the street keep walking straight until you pass a police station. The bus stop heading to Jiufen and Jinguashi will located a little past the police station.
The bus trip is roughly 15 minutes. Not all buses are equipped to show the correct driving direction or have bilingual signs.
For those not living near Taipei Main Station,
There is a direct bus from Zhongxiao Fuxing (1062 bus stop) to Jiufen, For those using MRT to get to the Bus stop, Exit 1 At Zhongxiao Fuxing. 
There may be some touts claiming the bus is not running and to take their taxi, ignore them of course!
If you want to go to JiuFen from Shifen, you have to take train to Ruifang 

Glass noodles

Beancurd in stuffed with minced pork
fish ball soup
Jiufen oldstreet

Thursday 16 July 2015

台湾美食(粥篇) Taiwan Food and Drinks(porridge)

Seafood porridge with squid, prawn, chicken nearby MengJia LongShan Temple, Taipei, Taiwan.
Having a bowl of hot porridge in the winter month makes you feel warm. Its a stall nearby the roadside, I can't remember the stall name, there are quite a numbers of stalls nearby there.
海鲜粥, 里面有下虾,鱼,章鱼. 在冷冷的冬天里享用一碗热腾腾的粥,真是太幸福了,因为每次到台湾游玩都是在冬季.这个档口是在龙山庙附近的.

After visiting MengJia LongShan Temple, you can have a walk around that area for food and herbal. There were many shops selling herbal leaves, ingredients around there.  Mengjia Longshan Temple is a temple in Wanhua District, Taipei, Taiwan. The temple was built in Taipei in 1738 by settlers from Fujian. It served as a place of worship and a gathering place for the Chinese settlers.
Address: No. 211, Guangzhou St, Wanhua District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10853.
Will introduce LongShan Temple in my next post. Do Stay Tune for that !
参观了龙山寺不妨到附近走走, 尝下道地美食,毕竟旅行的精髓就在这点. 那里附近有很多稀奇的药材店, 在马来西亚没什么机会看到, 无可否任台湾是一个很棒的国家.

Please visit my other blogs

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Wat Pho, Bangkok Temple 泰国曼谷神庙

Wat Pho, also spelt Wat Po, is a Buddhist Temple Complex in Phra Nakhon district, Bangkok, Thailand. It is located in the Rattanakosin district directly adjacent to the Grand Palace.
Wat Pho 是一个佛教徒的庙,位于曼谷的Phra Nakhon 县.

 2013年第一次到曼谷自助旅行, 图中的是一排排让信徒放钱许愿的, 拿20baht 给庙祝换零钱,就可以放在一个个的铁碗里,也是一种祝福的表现.
The very first time i visited Bangkok, Thailand is on year 2013. The "steel bowl" as shown in the photo is for visitor to make wishes and blessings. You can exchange 20baht in coins with the temple attendant in order to make wishes.

 The temple is located at -
 Address: 2 Sanamchai Road, Grand Palace Subdistrict, Pranakom District, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
地址: 2 Sanamchai Road, Grand Palace Subdistrict, Pranakom District, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.

      Wat Pho is mainly famous for the huge Reclining Buddha statue it houses at 20 acres large.
Decent wearing is advisable, People wearing short pants and skirt are not allowed to step inside the temple. However, they do provide rental of sarong for visitor
Wat Pho最出名的就是这尊大佛, 有机会一定要到那里看看. 但穿着一定要得体,穿短裤,短裙不能进入, 需要当场租借一个围裙.

More post please visit http://charlenelingz.blogspot.com

Green Tea